Jan 07, 2009
In 1988, Asiana Airlines Inc. was established to provide domestic air transportation from Kangseo-Ku Seoul, Korea. Then in 1990, Asiana Airlines inaugurated their first international flight to Hong Kong. Over the past 20 years, Asiana Airlines has become the most famous airline in Korea. They are known to provide excellent customer satisfaction and a service that is based on customer’s expectations. As Asiana aims to be the best airline in the world, they also strive to have healthy and physically fit flight crews by providing a work out facility. Asiana wants all staff and flight attendants to stay in shape to maintain job performance while in flight around the world.
In December 2008, LOHAS Fitness completed a HOIST® install at the Asiana headquarters, located near Kim-po airport. The HOIST® install included a full ROC-IT™ Selectorized line, a few CF Freeweights, and HD Selectorized machines. This was a quick bid process for LOHAS as they battled against Life Fitness and Cybex. Instead of presenting a sales letter and product photos, LOHAS CEO, Alex Sung installed a few ROC-IT™ machines at the Asiana’s lobby for all staff and flight attendants to try out. He also advertised the ROC-IT™ line to the entire Asiana Airline community to gain popular attention. Luckily, this sales approach along with the innovative HOIST® ROC-IT™ line, won the bid for LOHAS.